This journal walks you through questions to support waking up to your true self.
What masks fo you wear that you’re aware of?
How do you benefit from wearing those masks?
What might you miss out on seeing in life if you never took those off?
Who don’t you get to be when you’re wearing them?
When you’re masked, what thoughts come up for you? Who are you being?
Turn those thoughts around, write as many opposites of those statements as possible and consider - are any of those as true or truer than the original thought? What would it be like to believe an opposite?
Who would you be without the anxiousness, arrogance, armoring, trying to control etc (whatever comes with wearing those masks)?
What are the actions you do in life led by the masking vs. who you really are?
Where do those actions lead you?
What parts of yourself do you deny by questing after those actions?
What is your body response from considering that?
What parts of you are you denying by hiding who you are?
What lies have you told yourself or others about yourself that you are in the process of unlearning?
What parts of you that you once thought were you are falling away?
What would it be like to live free from the rules you once lived by when you hid you true self?
What permission must you give yourself to live that way?
What parts of yourself do you need to forgive to live that way without guilt, shame, etc? Use the statement: I forgive myself for… fill it in. The truth is… what’s the truest thing you can say in the wake of what you’re forgiving yourself for. Example: I forgive myself for believing it wasn’t safe for me to be myself. The truth is I feel so good when I can let my light shine, it doesn’t matter to me anymore what people think or say. The truth is, all the negative thoughts were my projections and I choose peace for myself over false safety with others any day. Do as many as you can and really let yourself receive the forgiveness. It helps to say it out loud.
What might it take to come into more congruence for you to shine as your true self?