This journal will take you through a journey of reflection on the past year and projection on the future year to help you check in and align with the qualities you most want to create in your life and self! Sip on some soothing tea, light a candle, take lots of deep breaths throughout, and enjoy the ride : ). This can also be done anytime as a deeper check-in or at the new year!
Reflection on last year:
What were you most surprised/delighted about from last year?
What were you most grateful for?
What lessons would you like to remember, instill, and take with you into the future?
How have the creative outlets you’ve explored this year fed you, healed you, helped you, supported you, and grown you in unexpected ways?
How have your work ventures fed you, healed you, helped you, supported you, and grown you in unexpected ways?
How have your relationships fed you, healed you, helped you, supported you, and grown you in unexpected ways?
If you were to put the essence of this year into a jar what would be in it? Feelings, images, smells, flavors?
What does your heart want you to know about the last year?
What does your higher self want you to know about the last year?
Is there anything your guides want you to know - do they have feedback for you? How are they looking at you?
What things, thought patterns, events, habits, ruts, and people are you wanting to leave behind?
Wrapping up the year - what needs to be said, loose ends tied up, someone or something forgiven, anything that comes to mind that needs your attention to bring to an end before beginning a new year?
How would you like to ritualized the end of this year? Are there any ways you want to create an ‘ending’ to anything to put it behind you in order to start this year anew?
Main takeaways from last year’s reflection?
Reflections on the future year:
What do you want to be surprised/delighted by this year?
What do you want to be most grateful for this year?
What lessons are you hoping you learn this year?
What creative outlets do you hope to explore?
In what ways will those creative outlets feed you, heal you, help you, support you, and help you grow?
What work ventures. do you hope to explore?
In what ways will those work ventures feed you, heal you, help you, support you, and help you grow?
What are you hoping will transpire in your relationships?
In what ways will your relationships feed you, heal you, help you, support you, and help you grow?
What is the essence of the year you are wanting to create? If you were to put it into a jar what would be in it? Feelings, images, smells, flavors?
What does your heart want you to know about the future ahead?
What does your higher self want you to know about the future ahead?
Is there anything your guides want you to know - do they have feedback or advice for you? How are they looking at you?
How will you be yourself in a way that is entirely new this year?
What do you already know that you sometimes pretend not to know that you will remember to remember that will make all the difference this year?
Main takeaways from your future year reflection?